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Consent form

As a crucial step in our Medicare claims processing, we rely on the patient’s consent form. Here are the steps to follow, underscoring the importance of this task:

Click on patient details:

Click on Billing:

Click on Add Invoice to create an invoice for a patient under Bulk bill processing:

Fill up all necessary details:

Before submitting the form, you’ll see three options. The first is to ‘Sign it here ‘, a straightforward process where the patient can sign directly from the clinic when they’re with us:

Click on Sign it here, and click on Submit claim:

A consent form will be opened up for signing; please read the notice carefully:

Please check the boxes for acknowledgement:

If not checked, then an error message will be shown.

Please check the boxes, enter the patient’s name, and ask the patient to sign on the approximate boxes.

Once done, the consent form will be signed and submitted.

The second option we can choose is to send by email or SMS; when the patient leaves the clinic, we can send the consent form by email or SMS; here are the steps for it:

Click on email and click on submit a claim. The Invoice will be saved but will not be processed. On invoices under the insurance tab, we can see the status of the Invoice as a request sent to the patient, as shown below:

The patient will be receiving this email to their email ID registered with the organization:

By clicking on the link in the email, the below consent form will be opened up:

Please check the boxes for acknowledgement, enter the patient’s name and signature, and click submit.

Once submitted, you can see the message below displayed on the screen.

The form can be submitted only once; if you try to submit it again, you will get the below error message on form submission:

Once the patient signs consent, the status on the Invoice will be automatically updated as submitted, and the claim will be processed.

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