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Patient module
Add Patient:
1. Click on Patients -> add patient:
2. It’s crucial to enter the patient’s personal details accurately and completely. This includes their title, gender, first name, last name, middle name, and preferred name. Please ensure all required details are filled out.
Please fill in the Date of birth, Nationality, Language and Healthcare number (IHI Number).
3. Please fill up the First visit details, which are available on the left side of the patient detail page:
4. Also, select the patient’s preferred location, primary Practitioner and Patient classification (Purpose of a patient visit to the hospital)
5. Click on the Save button to save the patient details to the list.
Edit patient:
1. Click on the patient name to edit the patient details:
2. Editing patient details is a straightforward process. The patient details will be opened and can be edited as required. Click on save again to save the edited details.
3. Click on Save to save the details of the edited patient:
4. If we want to delete details of the patient, we can delete them by selecting the Delete Rest assured, our system is designed to handle patient data with the utmost care and security.
Cases and contacts:
Here, we can add the cases for which the patients approaching us,
1. Click on Edit Patient à, Cases and Contacts à Add case:
2. Select the case and add additional notes, if any:
3. If any referral or third-party contact is there for patients, we can enter the details here as shown below:
4. Click on Save to save the details:
Under this tab, we can see the total bookings made to date, missed bookings, cancelled bookings, completed bookings, and Future bookings.
1. If we want an appointment alert to be sent, please click on Appointment Alert:
2. Enter the appointment alert message to be sent and click on Save to save the message:
3. Click on Add Planned Service to add a planned service for future appointments:
4. A pop-up window will be opened with details to be filled up like:
Repeat time
Select service and
Notes. You can add any other items if needed.
5. Click on Save to save the details:
Treatment Notes:
Treatment notes can include details of treatment for current or existing appointments. We can even set up a template for this.
1. Click on the standard template:
2. Fill up the necessary details required for preparing the treatment notes:
Enter the details for the case, treatment notes, and treatment notes’ names.
3. Click on Add item to add a new item on the list for Heading, date, time, text, number, drop-down, chart, optical instruction, etc., as shown below, we can choose one and add appropriate details:
4. We can even save this as a draft or finalise it for printing or Saving:
5. After clicking on Finalise, we can see it has been added as a treatment note:
Under letters, we can add letters such as referral letters, thank you letters, and payment letters. Etc.,
1. Click on Edit patient -> Letters -> Add a letter:
2. Please update the details on the page template, including the letter name, case name, related appointment, and description. The Subject and Letter content needs to be added.
Add tags if any are required and enter the letter content:
3. Click on Save as draft to save the letter content as drafts:
4. Click on Finalise to finalise the letter to print or save it finally.
Immunisation (AIR):
This page will be updated with the upcoming vaccines and preprocessed input vaccines. The information needs to be updated from the Immunisation register, where all our vaccines are registered and monitored.
1. Click on Edit patient -> Immunisation :
2. Fill up the details for Provider, fill in details for planned catch up and should not details also: then click on search if any upcoming vaccine is displayed:
3. Click on Catch update to fix a date for the vaccine:
4. Click on Vaccines in the right corner to add what vaccines need to be planned and already provided:
5. Click on the Add + button to add new vaccine details: add vaccine name, code, antigen name, code, and equivalents if not available. This step is important for maintaining an accurate immunization record for the patient.
6. Click on save once the details are filled up:
The patient’s complete invoice and payment details can be updated and viewed here:
1. Click on edit patient -> billing :
We can check the total invoice, paid invoice, pending invoice, and credit amount of a patient on this page:
2. By clicking on Add Invoice we can add a new invoice for the patient from here. Once the page opens, enter the necessary details required for: Fill up practitioner details, visit date, case, bill to, payer details, concession and referral details:
Please fill out the staff who attended, offerings, fee for service, duration of service, discount, tax, and amount. Previous payment history will be shown here, and we can also add additional information if required.
3. We can have multiple options to Save and email, Save and print and Save:
4. Merge Invoice:
When two invoices have been created for a single case or, by mistake, they have been created twice, we can merge them without any issues. This feature is useful for maintaining a clear and organized Billing history for the patient.
5. Select appropriate invoices, and click on Merge invoice:
6. You will get a prompt saying invoices have been merged successfully and done.
Generate Statement:
We can generate the statement of our patient details from this page: Click on Generate statement:

8. Enter the details of the transaction type, including the start and end dates and notes to be added. Then click on generate.
9. The statement will be generated and displayed on the screen; we can make a printout or save it for reference to send it to patients. Click on Export:
10. Add Credit :
The patient can add an advance credit amount to the clinic for future use. It will be added up under the Add Credit category.
11. Once a page opens, fill up the necessary details to be added: Date, Pay Type, Amount and additional notes if required and then Click on Save:
12. The credit will be added to the account and will be reflected on the account as shown below:
13. All the invoices can be seen on invoices, all the deleted invoices can be seen on voided invoices, and all insurance claims will be seen on Insurance claims:
You can start sending SMS or Email to this patient or their contacts by clicking on the Send SMS or Email button. You can also add a note about a conversation you had with this patient here.
We can send SMS and email, and if notes from conversations with patients need to be added, they can be added from here.
15. Click on send email:
We need to fill out the details necessary to send it to the patient: Click on send to send it to the patient or save it as a draft to save it as a draft on the list.
16. Click on Send SMS and fill out the details necessary to send an SMS: select template, tags, and message. The character count with the message count will be shown on the right side of the page. Once the details are entered, click on send to send the SMS to the patient.
Add notes:
We can add some patient notes here for future reference:
Kindly fill up the details and click on add a note, the details will be added to the list:
18. Documents:
We can add a document about the patients on this page. For the scanned images, test reports, or any additional information required to be added, we can upload it as an Image document:
Click on Upload document:
We can attach an image or upload a document, which will be displayed on the list.