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Australian Immunisation Register(AIR)

The AIR:

The Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) is a national register that records vaccines given to people of all ages in Australia. You can request an immunisation history statement for your child. Services Australia maintains the immunisation register.

From 30 September 2016, the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) expanded to become the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR), a national register that records immunisations given to people of all ages in Australia.

AIR Immunisation History Statements are automatically generated when an individual completes their early childhood immunisation schedule.

Immunisations can be recorded on the AIR by your immunisation provider. This includes immunisations in the National Immunisation Program (refer to the adult immunisation schedule) and those that are privately funded.


To access air:

Individuals: How to access to AIR as a medical practitioner, midwife, nurse practitioner, or a delegate. Organisations: How to access to AIR as a general practice, pharmacy, Residential Aged Care Facility, or an Authorised Nurse Immuniser with an ABN.

Providers can now only access the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) through HPOS using a PRODA account. Authentication file log in to AIR was decommissioned in 2021.

Individuals: How to access to AIR as a medical practitionermidwifenurse practitioner, or a delegate.

Organisations: How to access to AIR as a general practicepharmacyResidential Aged Care Facility, or an Authorised Nurse Immuniser with an ABN.

Log into air

  1. Go to HPOS website:
  2. Select: Log on.
  3. Select: AIR log on only

To update the Australian immunisation register

Ask your doctor or vaccination provider to update your record. If you get vaccinated while overseas, get a copy of the details and ask your GP or vaccination service provider to add it to the AIR. Find out more about the AIR on the Services Australia website.

Immunisation encounters, medical exemptions and immunisations given by another provider, including those performed overseas, can all be recorded directly on to the AIR site and the individual’s record will be updated immediately.

Need for the Australian immunisation register

personal information: Medicare number (if applicable), name, contact details, date of birth, gender. vaccine information: brand name, dose number and batch number, date given, for COVID19 vaccines – vial serial number (if known) provider information: provider number, name and contact details.

Australia’s immunisation strategy:

Its aim is to prevent disease and severe outcomes of disease by maximisingimmunisation coverage in people of all ages. The strategy comprises eight strategic priority areas to complement and strengthen the NIP: • Improve immunisation coverage. Ensure effective governance of the National Immunisation Program.


  • The Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) can record immunisations given to people of all ages in Australia.
  • When enrolling or re-enrolling your child in child care, kindergarten, primary or secondary school, you need to provide a current AIR Immunisation History Statement.
  • Please ensure Medicare has the correct details (including address) for you and your children.
  • To request an AIR Immunisation History Statement contact the Services Australia .
  • Maternity Immunisation Allowance was replaced by new requirements for Family Tax Benefit Part A in 2012.
  • Mandatory reporting to AIR commenced in 2021.
  • It may be of assistance to your end users to include links to their mandatory reporting obligations
  • It may be of assistance to your end users to include a link to the Australian Immunisation Handbook

For more information, please Visit the Services Australia .


Air on application:

Please open the website, click on patient option and choose a patient:

Once patient information opened, click on immunization:

Under immunization we can go for multiple options: the first one will be individual details:

Please choose the provider’s name:

Once after the provider name, we can choose Get Authorization Access List – which will provide the information about the provider authorization on immunization:

Then click on Vaccines option: to view the list of vaccines

The list of vaccines appeared:

We can search a vaccine by its name or antigen:

Add Vaccine:

We can click on +Add button to add new vaccine to the list:

When a new vaccine is added, a notification email from our organization will be sent to customers to get notified of the new vaccine.

Once clicked on +Add , a box will be opened to fill up the details:

Fill up the details and click on Save:

The vaccine will be added up to the list:

We can even edit the details by clicking on the Pencil Icon at the end of vaccine name :

We can edit the information and click on Save to save it:

Once access details checked, click on Search option at bottom:

The details will be displayed below for search: Next catch up date , immunity details, medical contradictions if any.

Once after the details obtained, now click on Catch Up Date for next vaccine term due date:

If any vaccines are on due will be displayed, if there is no vaccine on due no list will be displayed. Shows an error message no vaccine on due.

Please choose for Individual history option, to view list of vaccines which are provided already.

If any vaccines provided already will be listed on this page, we can even download the statement by clicking on download statement:

Next we need to select Medical contradictions: If any medical contradiction is there for patients previously, we can add the details here:

For this patient there is already a contradiction added, now if we need to add one we can fill up all the details and choose +Addbutton:

Next we need to choose Natural immunity option: to update immunity details:

To record a natural immunity:

  1. select practice location from the drop down menu
  2. then select the disease from the drop down menu
  3. enter the notification date
  4. then select the laboratory testing date or the physician basedclinical diagnosis date
  5. select Add to record a natural immunity.


Fill up all the details and click on +Add to add the details to Immunity history:

Vaccine trial history option: Any Vaccine trial made to patient will be updated on this page. The trial vaccine will be applied for the patients to check if this medicine is allergic or the patient body accepts it without any complications. Not all vaccines will be under trial, some specific vaccine will be under this list.

Vaccine trial is a type of immunisation exemption on the AIR. To prevent vaccine trial participants from being disadvantaged, the AIR is required to exclude vaccine trial participants, from the National due and overdue rules assessment for Family Assistance (Family Tax Benefit and Child Care Subsidy) purposes, during the duration of a vaccine trial period.

The exclusion will only be implemented for individuals participating in a vaccine trial that has been approved by a Department of Health and only for the duration of the trial period. These individuals will be considered ‘fully immunised’ for the antigen which they are a vaccine trial participant.

 The AIR Individual Vaccine Trial History API is a retrieve Web Service which will process the request and send a response message in real-time.

For this patient no vaccine trial has been done previously hence no details updated here.

Additional vaccine indicator: The Additional Vaccines Required Indicator enables vaccination providers to add an indicator for an individual who may require further follow up. Individuals may require additional vaccines as per the Australian Immunisation Handbook for special risk groups.

 For example, if they are:

  • Indigenous
  • Managing a chronic health condition
  • A low birth weight
  • Preterm babies

Please select the provider name and details and check the box near acknowledgement and click on add to add the details:

Also update the patient’s indigenous details , please click on the check box if indigenous or not and click on update status:

To identify Indigenous people who may require additional vaccines, vaccination providers can record Indigenous status directly on the AIR and it will not be over-ridden by their status recorded by Medicare. AIR Indigenous status will not be recorded on any other government database and it does not need to be the same as Medicare.

Recording an Indigenous status on the AIR helps vaccination providers to identify and give the clinically correct vaccination schedule. Vaccination providers should seek consent from the person at the time of a vaccination encounter before recording their Indigenous status on the AIR.

And a message will be display that the details updated:

Next we need to go for Record encounter details:

Under this we have encounter details, episode details and update encounter details.

Encounter details: To add vaccine encounter details:

To record their encounter:

  1. Select Record Encounter.
  2. Select Who performed this immunisation Encounter. If the encounter was performed overseas, you need to select the Country of immunisation.
  3. Enter the Date of Service. If you’re recording the encounter for a child, select the appropriate schedule.
  4. Enter the episode details including the Vaccine/Brand, Batch Number and Serial Number. Some vaccines, including Astra Zeneca and Pfizer, have a lot number instead of a batch number. Enter the lot number when there is no batch number. If you don’t know the batch or serial number, enter ‘notrecorded’ (no spaces).
  5. Select Add to record the encounter.

Children aged 5-11 are now eligible to receive some COVID-19 vaccines. They should be recorded using the same vaccine code as the adult dose.

Note: fields marked with an asterisk indicate that they are mandatory information.

You’ll get a success message if the encounter was recorded correctly.

Previously vaccine encounter details will be on the list, to add new we can click on Add Record Encounter button:

Episode details:

An immunization given to the individual by the vaccination provider. Each encounter will have at least one episode and may have up to five episodes.

  • We can add encounter episodes by clicking on Add Episodes button:

Fill up the details and click on Save to save the data:

It will be appeared on the list:

We can edit previous episode information by clicking on pencil icon at the end of vaccine name:

Edit the information on the box opened and click on Save to save the data:

Update encounter:  enables vaccination providers to update vaccines they have previously submitted to the AIR. Vaccination providers are not able to update vaccines submitted by other vaccination providers or if a vaccine has attracted an AIR information payment for completing a schedule.

When using this service, it is a requirement that all episodes within the original encounter retrieved from the AIR Individual Immunisation History Details API response, must be included in the subsequent Update Encounter request (regardless of the editable status).

You can only select Update Encounter if you submitted the original encounter and haven’t been paid for the encounter.

To update an encounter:

Click on Update encounter button on right corner:

Rejected encounter

The encounter submission will be rejected if any information on the encounter details is wrong.

If any rejected encounter identified, the edit icon (pencil icon) shown in the screen will be appeared.

Click on the pencil icon, and edit episode page will be appeared as below: update the details on episode.

Then edit the details on edit encounter, update the right information and click on save.

The details will be updated.

The claim will be resubmitted and passed.

We will not be able to administer all vaccines at a single day, please select below scenario:

When waiting for an result of natural immunity to dose up a vaccine, select below scenario:

Waiting scenario when additional vaccine needs to be ordered,

We should not select any if we are not having any vaccinated scheduler:

Please choose the option below if, any parent or guardian of the individual is restricting for vaccination:

Please do not hesitate to contact Kavanii support for any issue that pertains or anything else that might concern you:

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