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Appointment Settings

Appointment settings refer to the specific parameters and arrangements surrounding scheduling and organizing appointments for Practitioners and patients.

Step 1:

To view appointment settings, please click on the Tools icon on the left side menu:

Step 2:

 Click on the appointment settings tab; you will get the relevant options:

Step 3:

The 1st Option of the appointment settings is a Treatment Room:

  • The treatment room is a designated space for medical procedures and treatments.
  • Our Kavanii application will provide the facility to create your treatment rooms.

How to create the Treatment room?

When we are in the appointment settings, the top right corner treatment room tab will be present to ensure we will be present on it.

Click on the “Add treatment room” button in the top right corner to add a new treatment room:

Once clicked, it will enter into this below page:

From this below page, you can enter your new treatment room name in the text box.

You cannot enter more than 30 characters

After entering the name of the treatment room, it is essential to choose the location, as the appearance of the treatment room in the Kavanii application will depend on the selected location.

Kavanii allows us to select one or more locations according to our choice

On clicking ‘apply to all locations’, the treatment room will appear in all locations of the Kavanii application.

Note: Both two fields are mandatory, and click the save button.

After successfully entering the details, click the save button, and the treatment room will be saved and created with the success message

Once the new treatment room is created by default, it will present in an Active state.

Once the room is under maintenance or unavailable, we click on the Inactive and save it, and it will go to inactive state.

The created room will go inactive with an updated message.

The 2nd option of the appointment settings is Appointment Type:

Once you click on the “Add Appointment Type” button, it will enter into this below page:

From this page below, we can enter our new Appointment name in the text box; it has a character limit of 30.

You cannot enter more than 30 characters.

You can assign a specific color code to your appointment

After entering the name of the appointment type, it is essential to choose the location, as the appearance of the appointment type in the Kavanii application will depend on the selected location.

Once you select ‘apply to all location’, the appointment type will appear in all locations of the Kavanii application.

After successfully entering the details, click the save button, and the appointment type will be saved and created with the success message. Once the new treatment room is created by default, it will present in an Active state.

Once the appointment type wants to be held, we click on the Inactive and save it will go to an inactive state.

The created room will go inactive with an updated message.

The 3rd option of the appointment settings is Cancel Reason:

Once you click on the “Add Cancel Room” button, you will enter the below page:

From this page below, we can enter our new cancel reason in the text box; it has a character limit 30.

You cannot enter more than 30 characters.

After entering the name of the cancellation reason, it is essential to choose the location, as the appearance of the appointment type in the Kavanii application will depend on the selected location.

Once you select ‘apply to all locations’, the cancel reason will appear in all locations of the Kavanii application.

After successfully entering the details, click the save button, and the cancel reason will be saved and created with the success message. Once the new treatment room is created by default, it will present in an Active state.

Once the cancel reason needs to be on hold, we click on the Inactive and save. It will go to an inactive state.

The created cancel reason will go inactive with an updated message.

The 4th option of the appointment settings is missed reason:

Once you click on the “Add Missed reason” button, you will enter the below page:

From this page below, we can enter our new cancel reason in the text box. It has a character limit of 30.

After entering the name of the missed reason, it is crucial to choose the location, as the appearance of the appointment type in the Kavanii application will depend on the selected location.

Once you select ‘apply to all locations‘, the missed reason will appear in all locations of the Kavanii application.

After successfully entering the details, click the save button, and the new missed reason will be saved and created with the success message. Once the new treatment room is created by default, it will present in an Active state.

Once the missed reason needs to be on hold, we click on the Inactive and save. It will go to an inactive state.

The created missed reason will go inactive with an updated message.

Please do not hesitate to contact Kavanii support for any issue that pertains or anything else that might concern you:

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