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Bulk Bill

Bulk bill claim:

On bulk bill claim: Invoice will be generated and claim will be directly sent to Medicare, were Medicare will be paying directly to the clinic.

For bulk bill claim:

We need to choose bulk bill claim option. In this case we will not be able to receive payment from patients directly, we can raise a claim to Medicare and they will pay to organization account.

For bulk bill we will not have pay option , we will be having option only to submit claim or save and send later.

Either we can submit the claim immediately or we can choose save and send later and process this with all pending bills as bulk invoice.

When click on save and send later, it has been added to ulk invoice list automatically.

From invoice, insurance claims we can click on batch invoice and select practitioner to see bulk bill claims need to be processed.

Once the list appeared click on the bills and click on save to submit bulk claim to Medicare.

Statement of claim and claimant benefits:


A Statement of Claim and Benefit is provided to the claimant when a patient claim has been lodged in real time, processed by Services Australia and a benefit amount returned to the claimant.


Statement of Claim & Benefit Payment

If the claim is able to be assessed by Medicare (Services Australia) in real-time, a Statement of Claim & Benefit Payment will be generated that will show Medicare have assessed the claim and the benefit amount they will provide to the patient.


An example of the format of a Statement of Claim can be found below. You will notice the Statement of Claim can flow onto a second page. This is expected due to the additional information from Medicare that is required to be included on the Statement of Claim.


On real time the statement of claim can be viewed from the following steps on the application:


Click on billing:

Click on Insurance claims:

Bulk bill statement claim:

Patient à billing à insurance claims à open a bulk bill you will be able to see the voucher for status of payment.

Click on it to open the statement of claim:

Click on benefit form near status paid, the form will be opening:

We can also check the statement from patient details:

Instructions on how to, use your software product for reporting, reconciliation processes and report retrieval:

The Reconciliation process is only for Bulk Bill, Dva Allied Health and Dva Paperless claims.

The Reconciliation process is ensure that the invoice is paid by medicare or not.

In our Application once we complete the billing using click on the sumbit claim button in the invoice  at time the Kavanii Application is taking to Invoice tab with success message of invoice is created.


How to reconcile or generate the report:


Now  we click Insurance Claims tab and go to the  grid Action coloumn the reconcile Icon is present by clicking on this the Invoice is paid or rejected . If it is paid getting this success message.

If we getting this Processing Report not available  message still the invoice is in under process

If we getting  Payment Report not available  message means rejected to mouseover the icon we getting the rejected reason

Please do not hesitate to contact Kavanii support for any issue that pertains or anything else that might concern you:

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