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We have two categories under Offerings: Products and services:
Service: Add service
The services we offer to patients, such as blood tests, foot spas, and ECGs, will appear here.
1. Click on offerings -> Services -> Add service :
2. Please enter the Service code, name, Description, Category and details. Please select the Location from the left side option and add service duration, standard price and tax details on the right side of the page :
3. Click on the Save option to save the details to the list:
4. We can set the service’s status to active or inactive and enable or disable online booking from the toggle button in the right corner.
Products: Add products
The product we sell to patients can be updated here with stocks and price details:
1. Click on Offerings -> Products -> Add Products :
2. Fill out the details: Product code, Product name, description, and Category. Location can be added from the left side of the page. Unit of product, current stock, and minimum stock can be added from the right side of the page.
The supplier name, Cost price, selling price, and serial number of the product can be updated on the same page.
3. Once all the details are filled out, please click Save to save the product to the list.
4. We can set the product status to active or inactive using the toggle button in the right corner of the page.