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Custom and Predefined Reports

  1. Custom report
  2. Pre defined report

Pre-defined reports:

Pre-defined reports are already set, and we must enter details to extract the needed reports .

To get pre-defined report → Dashboard → reports and choose pre-defined reports :

1. Patient general report:

Reports regarding patients, either single or multiple patient reports.

We can choose patients under multiple categories like gender, location, age, practitioner, and status.

2. New patient procedure code:

We can add new procedure code and details of the patient regarding it in this section.

3. Patient with referral details report:

Patient and who referred them, a detailed report on this section: Like patient referred through our patients, social media, newspaper, SMS or email communications likewise:

4. Referral details report :

Report base on referral alone without their patient details: source of referral can be added or edited here:

5. Patient and practitioner report can be generated here for the exclusive data of particular practitioners:

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