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Update Service

Update service:

The service and its cost details will be preloaded and will be fetched from database.


But we can add or edit service details as shown below:


To add a service by default:



Click on offerings à Service: and select add service:

To add a service , please click on add service and fill up all the necessary details like service code, name and description. Once after filling all necessary information click on save to add new service.

Service added successfully.


To edit service details such as cost or name of a service which is stored on database:


Please click on offerings à service and choose a service which need to be edited.

We are going to edit service 001- General

Previously it was 0.00 now edited the price to $110.00 and click on save to save changes.


Now you can see the changes on the charge updated on as $110.00.

Please do not hesitate to contact Kavanii support for any issue that pertains or anything else that might concern you:

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